BRL Contributes two papers to We Robot 2015


We Robot posted the papers to be discussed next week at upcoming conference at the University of Washington. The conference deals with various ethical and legal issues surrounding near-future technologies. The BioRobotics lab contributed two papers to the conference that refer to our ongoing work in teleoperation security and closed-loop DBS systems. We are really looking forward to seeing what discussions these papers generate!

Feel free to read the papers or watch the panel discussions from the conference which have been published online at the below links-

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Upcoming Publications and Conferences

Members of the BRL will be presenting a number of papers at upcoming conferences this spring. The final papers will be posted to this website after each of the respective conferences.


WeRobot 2015, the fourth annual conference on Robotics, Law and policy, will be held in Seattle on April 10-11, 2015. This innovative conference includes formal (and informal) discussions of papers by experts from government, NGO’s, corporations and legal experts, as well as academics. Two of the papers to be addressed in this conference involve our lab:

I Did It My Way: On Law And Operator Signatures for Teleoperated Robots by Tamara Bonaci, Aaron Alva, Jeffrey Herron, Ryan Calo, Howard Jay Chizeck

Personal Responsibility in the Age of User-Controlled Neuroprosthetics by Patrick Moore, Timothy Brown, Jeffrey Herron, Margaret Thompson, Tamara Bonaci, Sara Goering, and Howard Chizeck.


The 2015 Cyberphysical Systems Week Conference  will be held in Seattle from April 14-16, 2014. This international conference (since 2008) now encompasses four ACM and IEEE conferences. Our lab’s contribution is:

Experimental Analysis of Denial-of-Service Attacks on Teleoperated Robotic Systems by Tamara Bonaci, Junjie Yan, Jeffrey Herron, Tadayoshi Kohno, Howard Jay Chizeck


The 2015 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering  will be held in Montpellier, France from April 22-24. One of the papers at that conference will be:

Closed-Loop DBS with Movement Intention by Jeffrey Herron, Tim Denison, and Howard Jay Chizeck


The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)  will be held in Seattle from May25-May 30, 2015.  From our lab, the following papers have been accepted:

Semi-autonomous Simulated Brain Tumor Ablation with RavenII Surgical Robot using Behavior Tree by Danying Hu, Yuanzheng Gong, Blake Hannaford, and Eric J. Seibel

Sensor-Aided Teleoperated Grasp of Transparent Objects by Kevin Huang, Liang-Ting Jiang, Joshua R. Smith, and Howard Jay Chizeck



BioRobotics Lab demonstrates research technologies at the IEEE Seattle 110th Anniversary Celebration

SeattleIEEE110_JAHThis last Sunday evening, members of the UW BRL attended the IEEE Seattle Section’s 110th Anniversary Celebration event at the Seattle Pacific Center. Senator Maria Cantwell joined regional IEEE members to celebrate this impressive anniversary. Graduate student researchers Jeffrey Herron and Kevin Huang brought demos to the event to showcase ongoing research from the UW BioRobotics Lab.

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Smart Emergency Response System featured in Huffington Post

A Huffington Post article published today overviews the recent Smart America Challenge that the BRL participated in. The UW BioRobotics lab worked with a team of researchers and engineers from multiple institutions to demonstrate a new approach to disaster response. Check out the full article here

This video was produced and posted by NSF, check out their news release here

Smart Emergency Response System at the SmartAmerica Expo in Washington DC

PhD Student Kevin Huang with an instrumented Kuka robot.

BRL researchers Kevin Huang, Fredrik Ryden and Howard Chizeck all made an appearance at the Smart America Expo in Washington DC this week. They were showing off a technologies developed to aid disaster and emergency response. The work was done as a part of the Smart America Challenge with collaborators from Boeing, MathWorks, MIT Media Lab, National Instruments, North Carolina State University, University of North Texas and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Read more about the Smart Emergency Response System here

National Instruments Press Release

UW EE News

Information Week Article

NextGov Article

BRL shows off at the UW SmartAmerica Challenge Event!


The Smart Emergency Response System team that includes the BioRobotics Lab showcased their ongoing collaborative efforts to build novel haptic and teleoperated system to enhance disaster response. You can read more about the event at the C4C website here.

The ongoing work is shown in the video below, where a drone tracks and follows a teleoperated robot for communication and relaying information between operator and remote system. This particular demonstration was done at the Boeing Collaborative Systems Lab.