We Robot posted the papers to be discussed next week at upcoming conference at the University of Washington. The conference deals with various ethical and legal issues surrounding near-future technologies. The BioRobotics lab contributed two papers to the conference that refer to our ongoing work in teleoperation security and closed-loop DBS systems. We are really looking forward to seeing what discussions these papers generate!
Feel free to read the papers or watch the panel discussions from the conference which have been published online at the below links-
T. Bonaci, A. Alva, J. Herron, R. Calo, and H.J. Chizeck, ‘I Did It My Way: On Law And Operator Signatures for Teleoperated Robots‘ In the Proceedings of the We Robot 2015 Conference on Robotics, Law & Policy, Seattle, WA, April 2015
P. Moore, T. Brown, J. Herron, M. Thompson, T. Bonaci, S. Goering, H.J. Chizeck, ‘Personal Responsibility in the Age of User-Controller Neuroprosthetics‘ In the Proceedings of the We Robot 2015 Conference on Robotics, Law & Policy, Seattle, WA, April 2015
More We Robot Coverage:
Check out the University of Washington’s coverage of the conference here.
The UW Electrical Engineering also released a web article about our contributions here.