Spring break has ended and we’re ready for another busy quarter here at BRL. We’d like to recognize the accomplishments of our students over winter quarter:
- Maggie Thompson and our collaborators had a paper accepted for the 6th International Brain Computer Interface meeting
- M. Thompson, J. Herron, A. Ko, and H. Chizeck. (2016). Demonstration of a Chronic Brain-Computer Interface using a Deep Brain Stimulator. In: 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting.
- Bora Banjanin presented his work on estimating predictive dynamic models of legged locomotion from data at a conference and a workshop:
- B. Banjanin, S. Burden, T. Moore, S. Revzen, and R. Full. “Estimating predictive dynamical models of legged locomotion from
data,” Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, Oregon, Jan 5, 2016. - B. Banjanin. “Estimating predictive dynamical models of legged locomotion from data,” Fifth Annual Winter Workshop on Neuromechanics and Dynamics of Locomotion, New Orleans, Louisiana, Jan 21-22, 2016.
- B. Banjanin, S. Burden, T. Moore, S. Revzen, and R. Full. “Estimating predictive dynamical models of legged locomotion from
- We had three papers accepted to the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation:
Yangming Li*, Muneaki Miyasaka, Mohammad Haghighipanah, Blake HannafordDynamic Modeling of Cable Driven Elongated Surgical Instruments for Sensorless Grip Force Estimation
Mohammad Haghighipanah*, Muneaki Miyasaka, Yangming Li, Blake HannafordUnscented Kalman Filter and 3D Vision to Improve Cable Driven Surgical Robot Joint Angle Estimation
Muneaki Miyasaka*, Mohammad Haghighipanah, Blake HannafordHysteresis Model of Longitudinally Loaded Cable for Cable Driven Robots and Identification of the Parameters
Congratulations to all of our accepted authors and presenters!