This last week members of the BioRobotics Lab traveled to Washington DC to present ongoing work in the areas of BCI privacy and security, BCI optimization, and closed-loop DBS at the annual Society for Neuroscience (SFN) meeting ( In addition to attending the main SFN conference, BRL researchers attended and discussed their research at several satellite conferences including the IEEE EMBS Brain Grand Challenges Conference and the 2014 INS Annual Meeting.
Tamara Bonaci presented her work on exposing the privacy and security threats of consumer BCI at both SFN and the INS meeting.
Jeffrey Herron presented his closed-loop DBS work at the main SFN meeting and the Brain Grand Challenges conference. He also gave a talk about his work at a meeting focused on neural engineering organized by the National Science Foundation and the German Research Foundation (DFG). The talk focused on opportunities for using investigational neurostimulation platforms for long term chronic neural sensing and data collection. He also presented progress on building hardware tools and programming APIs to enable fast prototyping of closed-loop DBS research systems. The abstract he submitted to SFN is available here poster presented at SFN is included below (click to view in full resolution):
Brady Houston presented his work on using the discrete wavelet transform to predict muscle activity based on electrocorticography (ECOG) signals. This work was presented at the Brain Grand Challenges conference. The poster he presented is included below (click to view in full resolution):
The trip as a whole was a great opportunity to discuss our ongoing work and get feedback from others in the field. We are looking forward to attending SFN again next year!